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Home » Todd Group Phase 1 Basic CQC Course Thailand March 3rd to 8th 2025

Todd Group Phase 1 Basic CQC Course Thailand March 3rd to 8th 2025

Thailand military Self-Defence and Close Quarters Combat Phase 1 Basic Course for Civilians and Military Personnel

March 3 – 8, 2025

Join Todd Group CQC  Master-Chief Instructor Tank Tank and training team Instructors for a special and unique elite CQC (close quarters combat) and MSD (military self-defence) training experience

The Todd Group are the oldest private  global specialist  training providers of our European military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence with a 97 year history of excellence in

Military elite close combat, close personal protection, Defensive tactics, and Military self-defence

For Thai citizens contact our Thailand PA Fii : [email protected] โทรศัพท์ : 0878005828

There is no substitute in our trade-craft for less than the best of battle proven dirty tricks brigade tactics and skills

Apply now

Read the full course information, then fill out the application form below. You will be contacted on completing and email returning the initial training request.

    • 1

      Personal Information

    • 2

      Rules & Regulations

    • 3


    • 4



    Personal Information

    If you submit the application below and do not complete the required application requirements you will not be accepted for any future Todd Group HQ, depots or exported national or international training/courses you may apply for. Only responsible committed individuals of integrity should apply as training in our military self-defence and close quarters combat as a civilian is a privilege and not a given right.



    The Todd Group Official Rules, Regulations and Code of Ethics

    Exponents and instructors of the Todd Systems must agree to the following rules regulations and code of ethics.

    1. The application/declaration and questionnaire forms must be completed truthfully and signed, witnessed, dated, and returned.

    2. False information provided on official forms is regarded as a very serious membership breach and the offending member may be suspended, expelled, or further action may be taken under legal advisement.

    3. All application requirements must be completed before the individual can commence training.

    4. Members must be physically able to undertake the specific training and any medical conditions that may affect their personal safety or the safety of others must be stated in writing and a clearance given before commencing training.

    5. Members must train in suitable attire and make sure their personal hygiene is of the highest standard.

    6. Exponents or instructors are not permitted to make statements or press releases, or enter into contracts or agreements of any kind without permission in writing of the Todd Group Chief Instructor. This includes all forms of media publicity or advertising of any format.

    7. Any exponent or instructor who completes the official application forms for membership or training accepts the provided rates and charges for the specific services and is responsible for the fees and charges set down for the specific service.

    8. Membership fees for full members, country members, and reduced subscription members must be paid on account.

    9. Members wanting to resign or change their membership status must do so in writing and will be liable for any outstanding fees at the time of their resignation being received in writing.

    10. Members must resign prior to the new term commencing or they will be liable for their full fees for the new term, as their position will have been kept open. Any unpaid overdue accounts will be handled by a collection agency and will incur additional collection charges.

    11. Conditions of membership, as per the application/declaration and questionnaire forms, apply to all exponents and instructors who have completed the forms in the past, present, and future.

    12. Exponents and instructors are not permitted to instruct any of the Todd Systems skills to any individual, group, or organization unless they are current, qualified, financial members and have current written consent of the Todd Group Chief instructor. This consent is subject to the exponent or instructor complying with all the required responsibilities and regulations. Instructor consent can be withdrawn by notice for breaches of the regulations.

    13. All members must agree to act responsibly at all times and have a duty of care for the safety and security of themselves and all fellow exponents and instructors.

    14. All exponents and instructors must respect commands and instructions from their superiors at all times.

    15. Facility rules: Be punctual, enter and exit training facilities when instructed, respect all facilities, weapons, and equipment. Only handle weapons and equipment when instructed to do so. If you open something, close it. if you turn something on, turn it off. If you break something, report it. Report any injuries immediately.

    16. Leave all facilities the way you found them.

    17. Conduct must be of a committed, quiet, professional, willing and ready to learn and never quit.

    18. Todd Group members must always conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and never through their actions or words bring the Todd Group into disrepute.
      Treat everyone the way you expect to be treated.

    19. Never abuse your skills by using them to incite violence or cause trouble.

    20. Be reliable and always contactable as coms are the difference between success and failure, keep in contact with your fellow members and with the HQ and always forward any changes in your contact details immediately.


    The Todd Group Agreement

    As an exponent of Todd Close Combat Systems I agree to:

    1. Honor regulations in all matters of training, behavior, conduct and discipline.

    2. Understand that the Todd Group can accept no responsibility for any injury or death caused through training.

    3. Any breach of our rules can result in expulsion.

    4. Abide by all regulations and conditions of training.

    5. Inform your Headquarters in writing, should you wish to resign your membership, change your membership status or change of contact details this applies to club members or for course exponents inform the instructor if you intend to leave the course during its duration.

    6. On completing this official form you are liable for the subscriptions or course fees as per the schedule of services or set course fees.

    7. I am not permitted to instruct any individual or group in any of the teachings of the Todd Group New Zealand regardless of whether I am a current or past member or have been on a course, unless I am qualified and certified to do so and have written consent from the Chief Instructor.

    8. I am not permitted to make statements or enter into agreements and contracts both verbal or in writing or make or release media statements or partake in interviews or advertising without the written permission of the Todd Group New Zealand.

    9. I agree not to use any Todd Group intellectual property, including images, video, and audio, without written permission of the Todd Group New Zealand.

    10. I agree not to use any Todd Group intellectual property, including images, video, and audio, without written permission of the Todd Group New Zealand.

    11. As a member of the Todd Group New Zealand or having attended a course, I am required to be responsible in my actions and never use my knowledge and skills to incite violence or cause unnecessary injury and only use them in self protection or protection of others in relation to the laws of self defence.

    12. On signing this agreement, I am responsible for all subscription accounts/course fees and understand that members must resign in writing and pay all outstanding accounts prior to their resignation being accepted.



    1. Do you have any previous criminal convictions that resulted in imprisonment or are you currently under investigation or serving any sentence or awaiting court proceedings?

    If you have any previous criminal convictions that resulted in imprisonment or any other custodial sentence including home detention, you must provide a copy of your criminal history to proceed with this application.

    2. Purpose for training?

    3. Have you ever had psychiatric treatment?

    If yes, please provide details:

    4. Have you ever been involved or have or had a personal association with any gang or gang members or organised crime or criminals?

    If yes, please provide details:

    5. Have you ever been involved with any terrorist, political, religious, or ethnic organizations that promote the use of violence or breach the civil rights, religion, or race of any person, or whose purpose is to act against the Government of New Zealand or any other country by illegal means?

    If yes, please provide details:

    6. Do you have any health problems that may endanger you by training in CQC?

    If yes, please provide details:

    7. Do you agree to accept the instructor’s instructions and teachings, to train responsibly with safety in mind and never put your instructor or fellow exponents at risk or in danger of injury?

    8. Do you have or have you ever had an addiction to drugs or alcohol?

    If yes, please provide details:

    9. Have you ever had any previous experience in military close combat, martial arts, boxing, wrestling, or self-defence?

    If yes, please provide details:

    10. Have you ever had any previous training or service in the military, police, corrections, close protection, or special investigations?

    If yes, please provide details:

    11. Have you ever been refused Todd Group HQ or a Todd Group Depot membership or course joining acceptance?

    If yes, please provide details:

    12. Have you ever had Todd Group membership revoked, been removed from a course, resigned your membership or withdrawn yourself from a course under a complaint investigation or disciplinary action.

    If yes, please provide details:

    13. Do you agree not to reveal or instruct anyone in any of the Todd Group tradecraft training you will undertake/receive as a training member or former member?

    14. Do you agree to abide by all agreement contract rules and regulations?

    Confirmation of the above being true and correct

    If your answers or information are found to be untrue, misleading, or in breach of any of your membership agreements/contracts, your membership/course joining, or course participation will be immediately revoked, and any required action undertaken.
