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Home » Why Undertake Todd Systems European Military CQC/MSD Training?

Why Undertake Todd Systems European Military CQC/MSD Training?

Because you want to learn our best of military self-defence and close quarters combat tactics and skills and you have done your research and discovered we are the only instructors of our military CQC/MSD skills to responsible civilians.

Being a realist, you understand that military self-defence and military close quarters combat is not about competition or traditional arts practices, it’s about having the competency and confidence to neutralise a formidable over-dog aggressor determined to do you grievous bodily harm.

Because you want to learn military self-defence and close quarters combat skills and only such skills from day one and are not interested in anything other than military self-defence/close quarters combat training.

Because you don’t want to train a lifetime in competitive or traditional based self-defence styles to gain proficiency.

In a serious self-defence situation you understand that there are no rules, referee’s, age groups, gender categories or weight divisions, you can’t submit by tapping out and may well not be able to get away so you know you need military elite self-defence and CQC training.

To overcome adversity and neutralise an over dog bent on doing you serious harm, you need to be trained in the best of dirty tricks brigade foul overkill skills of military CQC/MSD.

Anything less will not best prepare you to neutralise such life-threatening assaults against you.

Knowing that training in the very best of battle proven military self-defence and military close quarter combat skills is one thing, but without high level mental toughness and intestinal fortitude, no matter how proven and effective the skills are they will be of little use to you.

You will not only be trained in the Todd systems self-defence and close quarters combat skills but will also be trained  in our brain to boot military mental toughness enhancement tactics and skills.

You will be trained under the command of a military elite CQC/MSD Master Chief instructor and our instructing team that have all had to earn their rank and qualification, moving up through the ranks and achieving instructor status.

You will be learning from the headquarters doctrine and training packages source and have access to Todd Group designed, developed, published and produced training resources.

The Todd group was established in 1927 and accepted applicants will join the ranks of the oldest and only global private specialist training provider of our European military armed and unarmed combat and military self-defence training.

You want to undertake your self-defence or close quarters combat training from a private specialist training provider global leader in the military CQC/MSD tradecrafts.

Get your training from the HQ source under the command of the Todd Group Master-Chief Instructor of military self-defence and military close quarters combat.

You want to train under a Chief Instructor with over forty years’ experience in military CQC/MSD who is a Master-Instructor to the military elite and who has previously worked as a head bouncer in some rough and tough clubs and pubs for over 20 years back in the 70s-90s when being a bouncer was very much more hands on.

The Chief Instructor has had his share of fights on the job in pubs and on the street and instructs from real life experience and from being trained tested and qualified in military elite close quarters combat and military self-defence. He has worked high level close protection and trained diplomatic protection and has accepted all gruelling military CQC training and testing challenges as a civilian volunteer candidate, passing all course requirements and testing, earning rank and status and achieving an instructor lineage in military CQC/MSD of no other civilian or military instructor.

The Todd Group attracts civilian, police and armed forces exponents and proponents serious about self-defence and close quarters combat that want to be trained by or under the command of a military Master-Instructor of the highest level who has had his share or real life actions, proving his capabilities and the effectiveness of his teachings.

Look at the scope and involvement in military self-defence and military CQC and you will identify a leading status through total commitment and dedication.

The Todd Group have a 100-person camp set in 200 acres as well as a HQ facility that they have operated their HQ from since 1936.

The Todd Group design military CQC weapons and training weapons, design CQC specific protectors as well as write military and general public release manuals and produce training resources.

They have been CQC/MSD specialists since 1927 providing military, law-enforcement, close protection and select civilian self-defence and unarmed combat training.

Training provision is conducted globally by the Todd Group including contract training provision.

The Master-Chief instructor Geoff Todd has military Master-Instructor certification from the military of three allied countries.

Those with the smarts don’t want to be trained by an instructor that does not have real life actions on experience.

The serious people we recruit want to know that the CQC they are wanting to undertake is military CQC and not a martial based self-defence style.

In conclusion, if it is global-leading and longest private training provider status in European military close quarters combat and military self-defence you are seeking from a training organisation with a history and lineage of no other private training provider in European MSD/CQC, then accept the combative challenge and apply to join our ranks.

See also: