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Todd Group Organisation, Structure and Phases of Training

The Todd System of European Military Close Combat comprise of three phases:

Phase One

  • Unarmed offensive and unarmed counter offensive assault
  • Edged and bludgeon weapon disarming at all ranges including being held at weapon point (phase ambush)
  • Preventing and escaping all holds and grabs
  • Psychological conditioning and preparation for actions on CQC/MSD
  • Medical aspects of close combat
  • Combat conditioning (Toughener and Sickener phases)

Phase Two

  • Combative clinching
  • Ground combat
  • Control and restraint.
  • Strangulation and choking
  • Military takedowns
  • Combating multiple armed and unarmed enemy aggressors
  • Coming to the aid of a victim
  • Breaking up a confrontation
  • Flail (flexible) and thrown weapons (missile) threat neutralisation
  • Advanced urban self-protection
  • Combating enemy fighting arts

Phase Three

  • Armed combat – subject matter restricted
  • Close personal protection
  • Special operations – close combat restricted
  • Canine neutralization
  • Knife combat
  • Baton and riot stick for combat roles
  • Riot control
  • Combat shooting (instinctive point and close quarter aimed marksmanship)
  • Weapon retention
  • Prisoner taking/detainee handling
  • Improvised weaponry
  • Green and black role specific close combat
  • Bayonet combat

Todd Group Rank and Phase structure

All new exponents enter the Todd Group as phase one entry level exponents. Phase one exponents must complete the mandatory 100 hours of depot or HQ instructing, or complete a week-long intensive course of instruction before volunteering for phase one testing.

Phase two advanced exponents have completed the phase one mandatory training requirements, passed phase one testing and have been accepted for phase 2 advanced training.

Phase two advanced exponents must complete the mandatory 400 hours of phase two training before volunteering for phase two testing

Phase three specialist proponents have completed phase one and two mandatory training, passed both phase one and two testing phases and been accepted for Phase 3 specialist training.

Basic phase three competency across all unarmed and armed specialist skills takes a minimum of 500 phase three training hours.

High level phase 3 skills competency requires 1000+ training hours combined with the completion of a Todd Group specialist Close Protection Operators/CPP course of instruction of two week duration.

We do not make public our phase 2 advanced or phase 3 specialist training programs, photos or video as exponents have to complete mandatory training hours before testing and pass testing phases to achieve rank and promotion required for advancement.

We have a professional responsibility to ensure such advanced and specialist knowledge is not in the public domain.

Todd Systems Phase Testing

Phase testing is unique to the Todd System of European Military CQC/MSD. Described as being demanding both physically and mentally, phase tests ensure not only do our exponents have a high skill level but also mental toughness, intestinal fortitude and combative smarts.

The Todd Group sets and maintains uncompromisingly high standards in combative excellence. This means that some phase tests have a single exponent pass out of a dozen- or none at all. It all depends on the skill level, determination and commitment of the candidates

Exponents never pay to attempt Todd Systems phase testing and testing is always voluntary.

There is no back door or easy out options when it comes to passing phase tests and achieving rank in the Todd Group, volunteering for and passing phase one and two phase tests are essential for those seeking rank and advancement in the Todd Group.