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Home » Course Information: Todd Group Phase 2 Advanced CQC Course Thailand March 3 to 7 2025

Course Information: Todd Group Phase 2 Advanced CQC Course Thailand March 3 to 7 2025

Course titleTodd Group Phase 2 Advanced CQC Course Thailand March 3 to 7 2025
Course type / descriptionThis will be the only Phase 2 Advanced CQC course conducted in our hub country for current Todd Group member’s continuation training phase 2 exponents in 2025.   Todd Systems Phase 2 Advanced  CQC/MSD (mil close quarters combat and mil self-defence) for current Todd Group training members that have passed Phase 1 Basic testing and have been accepted for Phase 2 Advanced training. This course will also include Phase 2 Advanced assistant instructor and instructor under training/assessment course for current training members of Phase 3 Specialist proponent rank. Members wanting to course confirm for Instructor and assistant instructor training must be current active members and be accepted for this assistant instructor/instructor training.
 Todd Group history / services / structure / proponent training phaseshttp://www.toddgroup.com/todd-close-combat-history.html http://www.toddgroup.com/organizational-and-structure.html
Course locationTodd Group Facility Thailand
Course dates and timesMonday March 3 to Friday March 7, 2025.Timings and logistics  provided in accepted exponent’s and training members  information package. Saturday March 8 will be a Phase 1 Basic exponents testing if there are volunteer candidates that are accepted for testing. All Phase 2 and 3 attendees must assist with the conducting of the phase 1 testing.
Course promotional / recruiting information / linkswww.toddgroup.com and www.eliteactionadventure.com www.cqctimes.com www.fighttimes.com Recruiting cards available on request [email protected]  
Course cut-off date for the course to be confirmed or cancelledNovember 28th 2024
Important considerations prior to course confirm or cancel cut-off date.Do not apply/course confirm unless you are 100% certain you will attend.   You must be a current training member of Phase 2 Advanced rank. You must only course confirm if you will definitely attend. Your course confirmation must be accepted for course joining.                

Course joining requirements
Complete and return your on-line course confirmation and on being accepted for course joining, ensure you action all requirements as requested including course fees payment and providing any requested additional information. You will be emailed a CQC code of conduct contract that on receiving you need to complete and email return.  
Course joining special requirementsCurrent exponents/proponents and instructors course confirming must be committed to attending the applied for course and accept all orders and instructions on course. The course fee is non-transferable non-refundable. All attendees are required to be responsible quietly confident exponents and respect the chain of command and course attendance conditions rules and regulations at all times.
Course application / joining conditionsGet your course confirmation in as early as possible as the course cut-off date for confirming or cancelling courses depends on having required attending numbers by the cut-off date for the course to be conducted. If a full muster is achieved before the course cut off dates the course will be confirmed and closed off to  applications.  No late applications accepted and once a course is cancelled it cannot be conducted. Do not apply if you are not willing to respect the chain of command and take orders/instructions.Mil CQC comes with a requirement to be able to deal with the required realities to best prepare our understudies to deal with the realities of violence. If an environment where coarse language controlled bastardisation and hard heavy and hostile training and testing practices as well as direct critiquing are the norm is something you cannot accept, then do not apply.
Course confirmation Todd Group membersComplete your course confirmation as early as possible. Make sure your membership status is current. No late course confirmations accepted and once a course is cancelled it will not be conducted.
Course joining confirmation approval Todd Group membersOn receiving your course confirmation approval pay your course fee and provide any other required information. Complete and email return the provided CQC code of conduct contract on receiving it. Your course fee must be paid on course joining confirmation acceptance.  
Course joining applications new exponentsNot applicable
Course joining acceptance new applicantsNot applicable as members only course for accepted Phase 2 Advanced exponents
Course official forms submission / processingMembers course confirmation course
Course additional application required material / informationNot applicable members only course
Course acceptance requirementsPay course fees, read all provided information and promptly action any requests or requirements for information.
Course phases of training provisionPhase 2 Advanced exponents course and for Phase 3 Specialist members  Phase 2 assistant instructor and instructor under training/assessment
Course additional packages / modules / subjects contentBrain to Boot mental toughness introduction. Medical aspects of CQC.
Course information linkswww.toddgroup.com www.cqctimes.com www.eliteactionadventure.com
Course participationPhase 2 Advanced exponents members only course where high level commitment is required
Course code of conductAll attendees must complete and email return their CQC code of conduct contract and conduct themselves in a mature responsible manner at all times on and off course. Training is a privilege not a given right and requires high integrity and responsible behaviour at all times. Respect the chain of command; be respectful to everyone at all times. Train for self-improvement/advancement abide by orders and instructions, always adhering to safety practices. Never cause the Todd Group respected name to be brought into disrepute. Make sure you read and abide by application/declaration/code of conduct contract conditions and all rules regulations at all times pre during and post course. All attendees must abide by arrival departure and training dates and times, no exceptions. This is a group course and all attendees must abide by group rules regulations and conditions of course joining. Civilians wanting to learn military self-defence and military close quarters combat must abide by all orders and instructions in the same manner as military exponents on military courses.  
Primary training objectives briefThe primary training objectives are for all exponents assistant instructors and instructors under assessment on course is to increase their knowledge and competency in the most current and proven Todd Group Phase 2 Advanced CQC/MSD (military self-defence and military close quarters combat) tactics skills and methods of instructing and delivering training.
Course fees new exponentsNot applicable Phase 2 Advanced members only course
Course fees current Todd Group membersCurrent Todd Group member’s fees rates apply in relation to your phase of training/rank and status as per the fees rates on the member’s private section of the Todd group website. www.toddgroup.com
Course fee includes / excludes accommodationCourse group stay hotel accommodation reservations made by the Todd Group and paid for by attendees.
Course fee includes / excludes mealsIn country meals at attendees expense.
Course laundry informationLaundry services at the group stay hotel or laundries near the hotel at the attendee’s expense.
Course fees payment requirements / informationFull non-refundable non-transferable course fee payable on course joining acceptance. Current Todd Group member’s full course fee payment on course confirmation acceptance/invoice/statement.  
Payment of course fees optionsProvided to members on course joining acceptance.
Course fees refunds for Todd Group HQ course cancelationFull course refund after notification of course cancellation if the minimum course conducting numbers are not achieved.
Course refunds for pre-course or on-course withdrawalsIf you course confirm are accepted for course joining and have been advised the course is confirmed and will be conducted, there will be no refunds for pre-course or on course withdrawals.
Residential courseYes group stay hotel at attendees own expense.
Non-Residential courseNo
Course accommodation and meals residential attendeesCourse group stay hotel accommodation and meals at attendees own expense.
Course meals non-residential attendeesNot applicable.
Course accommodation and meals rates and payments information residential attendeesCourse group stay hotel rates provided to accepted course joining members and on course meals attendees own choice and at their expense.
Course meals rates and payment Requirements non-residential                       attendees                                                               Not applicable.
Residential courses accommodation description / informationGroup stay hotel Pattaya Chonburi rates provided in accepted members course attendance information.
Course meals informationThere are a lot of cafes restaurants takeaways and street food options close to the group stay hotel.
Course qualifications / CertificationAll exponents on course that complete the week-long intensive training course will receive certification of course completion. Candidates that undertake the phase 2 test and successfully pass it will receive their phase test certification post course.
Course Phase test briefPhase 2 Advanced restricted information to volunteering testing candidates.  
Course Additional / Auxiliary trainingThis intensive course of close quarters combat and military self-defence  instruction for civilians  will also include continuation mental toughness enhancement/psychological conditioning (Brain to Boot program) training
Special eventsNot applicable
Additional activitiesNot applicable
Additional course expensesAirfares, airport transfers, Group hotel accommodation and meals, daily transport to and from Todd Group Thailand primary training facility  as well as personal spending money.
Pre-course arrivalFriday February 28 or March 1
Post-course departureMarch 9 or later.
Travel transport pre-courseOur Thai staff will arrange in country airport transfers and you will be advised on payment requirements. You will receive address   advice for the   pre-course Group stay hotel in your accepted attendees information email.
Travel transport post-courseOur in country Thai staff will arrange your post course airport transfer. Airport transfer to be paid by individual attendees.
On-course transport requirements / provisionDaily transport from the group stay hotel to our training facility and return payment split between exponents on course.
Airport transfers pre- and post-courseInformation for pre-arranged transfers provided in accepted attendees information email.
Non-airport pre-course pick up locationsNot applicable.
Non-Airport post-course drop off locationsNot applicable
Public transport services pre-, during, and post-courseNot applicable.
Pre-course accommodation informationGroup stay reservations will be made for you to meet your arrival check in date. All attendees must stay at the group stay hotel. Reservations will be made by the Todd Group.  Transfers to and from the training facility by arranged group transport only. Attendees must travel to and enter the training location as a group. No unapproved visitors permitted on course.
Post course accommodation informationGroup stay reservations will be made for you to meet your required departure/check out date from the course Group stay hotel.
Pre-course meeting / briefing informationThe pre-course brief will be conducted on Sunday March 2. 6pm, details provided in accepted applicants information email.
Course registration / administration requirements / informationApplicants must complete and email return all course  confirmation  on-line forms/code of conduct contact. If additional application information is required this must be provided. On acceptance requested logistics information (flight itineraries, pre and post course accommodation reservation requirements must be provided on request. Course fee must be paid as requested on course joining acceptance. Attendees must ensure they order and receive any uniform or training kit well in advance.
Course uniform / dress civilian exponentsProvided in course confirmation accepted exponents course attendance information.
Course uniform military groupsN/A
Uniform purchasing informationTodd Group members [email protected]
Course training kit requirementsProvided after course joining acceptance.
Course personal kit requirementsList provided to accepted exponents.
Privacy confidentiality and securityThe Todd group insist on all exponents abiding by their application/code of conduct contract agreements. The privacy and confidentiality of the Todd Group and  our  individual participants  and group clients is essential and all attendees are expected to be security conscious and protect the confidentiality, privacy and security of the Todd Group and all its attendees clients  associates staff and facilitators. No unauthorised audio, video or still photographs permitted at any time.
Accepted applicants full / final information packageThis will be provided on paying your course fee and providing all requested information. You will receive a final email that will include all logistics, communication, kit/dress, rules and regulations information.
Course chief instructor / instructing cadreCourse Master Chief instructor Geoff “Tank” Todd and assistant instructors if required.
Course manager / course coordinatorsGeoff “Tank” Todd and Todd Group in-country staff and facilitators.
Course manager / course coordinators contact informationNZ contact [email protected] in country [email protected] Phone contacts provided on course joining acceptance.
Course logistical general informationProvided in accepted members information email.
Todd Group resources pre-training / continuation trainingProvided to members if and when required.
Course training / testing related informationAs per Phase 2 Advanced members requirements and on course brief.
Course recruitingPhase 2 Advance restricted training access by rank and course confirmation acceptance only.
Post-course country membership optionNot applicable as members only course.
Post-course Todd Group HQ membershipNot applicable as members only course.
Post-course Todd Group national and international depot continuation trainingNot applicable as members only course.
Todd Group HQ contact information[email protected] NZ Ph 03 4778 902                   International  Ph +64 3 4778902.
Additional / Miscellaneous informationA full email information pack will be provided to all accepted exponents/proponents which will include all information in relation to arrival at the Suvarnabhumi or Don Muang  international airports Bangkok and transfers to the course group stay hotel Pattaya. Your accommodation   reservations will be made by the Todd Group HQ in country staff  after you provide your arrival departure information and reservation requests. NZ current Todd Group  members  flights reservations can be made by our corporate travel agent on request to Todd Group HQ. International attending members must make their own flight reservations.  You will be responsible for paying your own course hotel bill for your accommodation which will be at a  reasonable  rate. Todd Group members reduced  course fees in relation to rank. This is a unique opportunity for our  civilian Phase 2 and 3 members  to experience European military CQC and military self- defence living it the intensive military CQC way for a one-week long training duration at our international hub country of Thailand. Exponents/proponents are required and expected to be quietly confident committed and respectful to the instructors, staff, facilitators in country, military personnel, civilians   and fellow exponents on course. The course manager/coordinator/staff and instructors are there to ensure you have a very realistic and special combative training experience.