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Defensive Tactics/Control and Restraint

The Todd Group’s law enforcement defensive tactics training dates back to our founder the late Harry Baldock. In 1927 he begun instructing military unarmed combat and military self-defence as well as police, defensive tactics and prisoner handling control restraint and arrest training.

I continued with providing law enforcement defensive tactics training including detainee handling and tactical control restraint both in New Zealand and overseas to police specialist tactics groups and SWAT teams.

The tactics and skills are all from my military detainee handling packages and are designed to control and restrain suspects as well as applying mechanical restraints and moving detainees.

The skills are our most current and proven duty and role specific means of threat neutralisation specific to security and law-enforcement roles and duties.

They include team formation applications and crowd confrontation defensive tactics primary means and methods of threat neutralisation.

The control and restraint training includes specialist team tactics detainee handling for wide ranging roles and duties.

The physical restraint skills are diverse and all have commonality as they have Todd Systems origins and this enables them to be cohesively employed.

Exponents on defensive tactics and tactical control and restraint courses are all cross-trained to ensure they know their roles, duties and responsibilities under actions on threats, enabling them to effectively achieve their objective without confusion or getting in one another’s way.

The control and restraint skills are gross motor trade-craft skills that work on knowledge and understanding of body mechanics and of the anatomy in relation to using leverage to achieve control, restraint and subject decentralisation.

Understanding body mechanics and human anatomy not only provides practical knowledge in controlling and containing belligerent subjects but also understanding the medical aspects of restraining subjects including pain compliance arms personnel with proven practical safe and effective knowledge and capability.

The skills provide threat commensurate capability under rules of engagement, standard operating procedures or inside civilian laws of self-defence. These tactics and skills are applicable under threat escalation or de-escalation as change to the effect or skill can be made without losing control or containment gradually in increments.

The skills are taught on contract courses as well as to Todd Group members and by individual tuition to law enforcement and security personnel.

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