Todd Group HQ
Our central city facility in Dunedin has served as the Todd Group’s headquarters since 1936. It is here that our doctrine is written and our tactics and skills are developed, tested and approved.
The Todd Group HQ is involved with all aspects of our military close combat trade-craft including the design and invention of training weapons and equipment, the publishing of military and civilian training manuals and the production of video training resources.
The Todd Group HQ is the caretaker of the military close combat and military self-defence doctrines, a duty and responsibility we take very seriously.
Todd Group HQ has a training division, training team, research and development division, doctrine and excellence control group, skill at arms CQB/CQC instructors, and associate specialist skills military CQB instructors.
Todd Group HQ Schools of Instruction
Todd Group HQ operates the following special schools of instruction for military, law enforcement and responsible civilian training.
- MUC: Military unarmed combat School
- CQC: Military CQC School
- Self-Defence School AKA School of Self-Defence
- MSD: Military Self-Defence School
- CPO: Close Protection Operator School
- CQB: Close Quarters Battle School
- DT: Law-enforcement Defensive Tactics School
Training at Todd Group HQ
Todd Group HQ has two intake inductions per year (February and August) for responsible civilian applicants that want to join up for our weekly evening training phase one sessions.
We only accept one small group muster per six months as our primary role is a training development organisation in military close combat and military self-defence, not a mass recruiter.
Todd Group HQ provides individual tuition for local and visiting exponents in Phase 1 CQC/MSD and DT defensive tactics/detainee handling/tactical control and restraint. We also provide anti-and counter sexual violence specialist D-WAR (declare war against rape) workshops.
Located near the Dunedin airport, we also have 100 person CQC training camp of close to 200 acres where we run our Dunedin week-long intensive courses of instruction and other specialist courses.
Training in military CQC/MSD for civilians is a privilege and not a given right and exponents must be responsible and committed.
To accept the combative challenge, apply for our next HQ intake or see Upcoming Courses for training in other regions, countries, or in specialist skills areas (e.g., close personal protection).
Apply for Todd Group HQ Intake
Read the full course information, then fill out the application form below. You will be contacted on completing and email returning the initial training request.