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Course information: Todd Group HQ annual intake inductions (February and August)

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Course type / descriptionTodd Group HQ annual intake inductions are conducted every February and August.

Phase 1 Basic intake induction for Dunedin/Otago residents that want to train in the most current/proven Todd systems mil CQC/MSD tactics and skills.
Todd Group history / services / structure / proponent training phasesThe Todd Group were established in 1927 and have the longest European military CQC/MSD private specialist training provider history. We are the only such training provider in NZ. Our instructor qualification lineage and history is of no other training provider and includes instructor quals/certs from leading WWII Master-Instructors and later generations of military Master-Chief Instructors. The Todd Group are current military elite and specialist police unit’s instructors. Our civi training is based on our military courses instruction. Those that want to be trained by and under the command of a military CQC Master instructor in the most curren proven CQC/MSD make up the Todd Group rank and file. We also offer our members to apply for our other specialist courses of instruction when conducted. Close Personal Protection, Defensive Tactics, Self-Minder, D-WAR (Declare War Against Rape) If you want to be trained by NZs leaders in our field in our best of dirty tricks brigade skills and can accept orders instructions and safety practices, then apply for the upcoming intake induction. Todd systems CQC/MSD is not based on traditional fighting arts martial arts or combat sports techniques or a combination of hybridised techniques. It is a same system military combative trade-craft based on the best of our European mil CQC dirty tricks. Just like in combat and self-defence there are no gender categories weight or age group divisions so your best chances of defeating formidable aggressors is by the best of mil CQC/MSD tactics and dirty tricks. Mil CQC/MSD gives the underdog the best chance of over dog aggressor threat neutralisation. Mil CQC training to the military and in the civilian sector is our full time profession not a part time hobby. We hold the doctrine and develop the skills training packages, and as such HQ training  members get their training  from the trade-craft source.

Read more:
The History and Lineage of the Todd System of Military Close Combat
Todd Group Organisation, Structure and Phases of Training
Course locationTodd Group HQ Dunedin NZ and Camp Todd
Course dates and timesProvided on intake induction acceptance
Course promotional / recruiting information / and
Course cut-off date for course to be confirmed or cancelledFebruary for the February Intake
August for the August Intake
Important considerations prior to course confirm / cancel cut-off dateThis training is for Dunedin/Otago residents and consists of a 2 hour training session every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm.

The training terms run from February to August and August to February with fees being due in February and August.

Do not apply if you will not attend as required and if you cannot take orders and instructions. Accepted applicants that do not go through with their course joining and training conditions will have any future training applications at Todd Group HQ or Todd Group depot’s declined.
Course joining requirementsApply on-line meet the responsible citizen course joining conditions and requirements and tend to all the advised joining instructions.
Course joining special requirementsDo not apply if you are not a committed responsible individual prepared to apply yourself to all training requirements.
Course application / joining conditionsOn acceptance attend your intake induction as per provided instructions. Attend designated weekly training sessions. Abide by all orders instructions and membership regulations and conditions.
Course confirmation Todd Group membersN/A
Course joining confirmation approval Todd Group membersN/A
Course joining applications new exponentsComplete all application forms including after acceptance  your provided CQC code of conduct contract and attend your in-take induction as stipulated.
Course joining acceptance new applicantsPost your intake induction acceptance notification and on receiving your training start information action all requirements.
Course official forms submission / processingComplete and return all forms on receipt as per stipulated.
Course additional application required material / informationIf additional information is requested including a scanned copy of your passport picture page and driver’s license and or a criminal history record, please provide this on request.
Course acceptance requirementsPay your course fees and action any other requests.
Course phases of training provisionPhase 1 Basic CQC and MSD (Close Quarters Combat/Military Self-Defence) for responsible civilians.
Course additional packages / modules / subjects contentMembers are advised of upcoming short courses and intensive courses of instruction.
Course information and
Course participationQuietly confident commitment, strong minded willingness and up for the physicality of mil CQC training for civilians.
Course code of conductAs per course joining regulations and code of conduct contracts.
Primary training objectives briefTo provide exponents with Todd systems mil CQC/MSD training in the most current proven Phase 1 Basic tactics and skills.
Course fees new exponentsJoining fee $25.00 must be paid by all joining or re-joining members regardless of the individual’s status as an exponent proponent or instructor.
Full member fees $120.00 per six months due every February and August.
Reduced membership fees for students or beneficiaries’ $90.00 per six months due February and August.
Combative code of conduct CD and Brain to Boot self-defence  mental toughness enhancement manual/audio training exercises compulsory for all applying members $50.00.
Fees must be paid on receiving invoice/statements by online banking, credit card, cash payment.
Any applicant wanting to withdraw their application prior to their intake induction must do so by email to enable future training joining.
Course fees current Todd Group membersN/A new entry exponents intake induction
Course fee includes / excludes accommodationN/A
Course fee includes / excludes mealsN/A
Course laundry informationN/A
Course fees payment requirements / informationProvided on application acceptance.
Payment of course fees optionsProvided on application acceptance.
Course fees refunds for Todd Group HQ course cancelationOn training joining acceptance and course fee payment your position is secured and there will be no refunds provided.
Course refunds for pre-course or on-course withdrawalsNo refunds provided and fees are not transferable.
Course refunds for accepted exponents that do not turn upNo refunds provided and fees are not transferable.
Residential courseNo – weekly HQ even training sessions.
Non-Residential courseYes
Course accommodation and meals residential attendeesN/A
Course meals non-residential attendeesN/A
Course accommodation and meals rates and payments information residential attendeesN/A
Course meals rates and payment requirements non-residential attendeesN/A
Residential courses accommodation description / informationN/A
Course meals informationN/A
Course qualifications / CertificationNo certification for weekly HQ sessions training. Week long intensive courses completion certificates provided and Phase test pass certificates.
Course Phase test briefPhase tests can be undertaken when the exponent has completed more than 100 hours of training sessions or a one week intensive course of instruction providing the candidate is up to the challenge.
Course Additional / Auxiliary trainingHQ members can attend specialist short courses that they are advised of and meet the specific course joining requirements.
Special eventsThere are HQ and exported National and International training opportunities and events open to Todd Group Phase 1 members.
Additional activitiesAll members will receive advice and information.
Additional course expensesCQC neck and throat protectors and female chest protectors.
These are available at members rates from our Fight Times store.
Pre-course arrivalN/A
Post-course departureN/A
Travel transport pre-courseN/A
Travel transport post-courseN/A
On-course transport requirements / provisionN/A
Airport transfers pre- and post-courseN/A
Non-airport pre-course pick upsN/A
Non-Airport post-course drop off locationsN/A
On course daily local transport for non-residential attendees / pick up drop off locationsN/A
Public transport services pre-, during, and post-courseN/A
Pre-course accommodation informationN/A
Post course accommodation informationN/A
Pre-course meeting / briefing informationN/A
Course registration / administration requirements / informationAll training/course joining information provided on acceptance.
Course roll callSign in log at HQ for every training attendance.
Course uniform / dress civilian exponentsAs will be advised
Course uniform military groupsAs advised
Uniform purchasing informationProvided when required
Course training kit requirementsInformation provided to accepted applicants.
Course personal kit requirementsInformation provided to accepted applicants.
Privacy confidentiality and securityAll accepted applicants must complete CQC code of conduct contracts and abide by their contract and all other rules and regulations. No phones, cameras, video cameras or audio recording devices permitted.
Accepted applicants full / final information packageHQ new Phase 1 Basic exponents will be provided with start-up information.
Course chief instructor / instructing cadreGeoff “Tank” Todd and HQ training team instructors and assistant instructors.
Course manager / course coordinatorsTodd Group HQ training and admin staff.
Course manager / course coordinators contact information[email protected] Ph: 03 4778902
Course logistical general informationProvided to accepted applicants.
Todd Group resources pre-training / continuation
Course training / testing related informationProvided on requirement/request.
Post-course country membership optionN/A
Post-course Todd Group HQ membershipNew members at HQ are Todd Group members.
Post-course Todd Group national and international depot continuation trainingN/A
Todd Group HQ contact informationEmail: [email protected]
Ph: 03 4778 902
Additional / Miscellaneous informationBeing accepted to train in Todd systems mil CQC/MSD as a civilian is a privilege not a given right and requires all members to conduct themselves with responsibility, reliability and high integrity. The Todd Group are the oldest private specialist European military CQC/MSD training providers globally and NZs only such training providers. If you are not prepared for the required physicality and required inner resolve do not apply. Mil CQC and mil Self-Defence provides the best chance of stopping an aggressor in their tracks by best of dirty tricks brigade means and methods. It gives the underdog regardless of gender or physical attributes the best chances of winning not merely surviving. Mil CQC/MSD is not a sport or fighting art and its nothing about rules or fair play. You will be trained by military elite Master-Chief Instructor and our instructing team. If you are not committed to attending simply do not submit an application. Mil CQC/MSD training requires practical smarts and mental toughness.
A willingness to partake and learn is essential.

Apply now!