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Home » What is Todd Systems European Military Close Quarters Combat and Military Self-Defence?

What is Todd Systems European Military Close Quarters Combat and Military Self-Defence?

European military close quarters combat (CQC) and military self-defence (MSD) are official military tradecrafts. Their purpose is to provide combatants with the best of enemy threat neutralisation capabilities with non-ballistic weapons or by unarmed combat means.

A description the Todd group uses for non-primary ballistic weapons threat neutralisation is the blades, bludgeons and boots brigade.

Military CQB is armed combat and is a different tradecraft skill set; the bullets, blades and boots brigade.

European military CQC and MSD are based on principles of military science, which is not an exact science.

The skills are predominantly gross motor skills including covert deliberate point-blank body range executed skills using both improvised weapons and unarmed skills.

The skills have been developed by military close combat Master Chief instructors with long records of instructing service to the military.

All instructors of military CQC must be military trained, tested and qualified.

The skills include the use of deception, distraction and cunning to maximise the chances of the skills being effective in threat neutralisation.

Anti-actions on as well as actions on combat and counter tactics and skills are included in Todd systems training to provide not only the highest chances of threat neutralisation but also the safest.

There are no competitive aspects or traditional or competitive styles or codes techniques included in our primary options European military CQC/MSD threat neutralisation.

Military CQC/MSD has been developed with battlefield close quarters actions on and urban operators, roles and duties in mind.

There are no considerations of gender, age, size or weight divisions as the skills have been developed with the primary purpose of enemy incapacitation or elimination by the most battle proven overkill foul dirty tricks brigade means and methods.

The skills are blatantly simple and brutally terminal and effective in object achievement, especially for the underdog up against a highly dangerous over-dog enemy.

The skills are easily learned and as such easier to remember and require considerably less physical capability than the athleticism required for fighting styles techniques.

The civilian training is based on and is the same or similar to our military provided training but is civilian threat specific and civilian threat neutralisation specific. It provide options commensurate to common civilian threats and threat levels and threat neutralisation methods inside the laws of self-defence.

Military CQC/MSD is the most dire and deadly situation a combatant could find themselves in, when they have lost their service weapons and must rely on non-ballistic weapons, improvised weapons and the best of blades, bludgeons and boots brigade tactics and skills.

Military close quarters combat and military self-defence skills are instructed by military qualified instructors and the skills included in the programs are from military approved and military instructed training packages.

MSD/CQC primary fundamentals and foundations have stood the test of time with some such foundations and principles dating back to the ancient Greek, Roman and Celtic warriors’ warfare CQC.

This, combined with our European military CQC/MSD being a living tradecraft is kept at the forefront of current threats, providing combatants with the best of military battle proven chances of enemy threat neutralisation.

Nothing is one hundred percent guaranteed in self-defence and unarmed combat. However, our European military self-defence and close quarters combat not being based on traditional or competitive techniques but being based on military enemy incapacitation or elimination provide the best combative chance of victory over defeat.

Todd systems CQC/MSD is military CQC, instructed by a military instructor, not civilian self defence or CQC, taught by a civilian martial arts style instructor.